

Will my treatment hurt?

Your initial examination is a very easy appointment. Dr. Williamson will gather information about your case and discuss his findings with you. Many times, patients will not require any treatment at all; however, if you do require treatment, Dr. Williamson will review it with you and let you know what to expect regarding the plan he has recommended. Because of Dr. Williamson’s training and licensing, he has a wide range of sedation options to make you comfortable during treatment.

How much will it cost?

Once Dr. Williamson gets a chance to evaluate your case he will be able to tell you whether or not you will require treatment. If treatment is recommended, the staff will give you a detailed estimate of what the treatment will cost. The staff will also work with your insurance company to see what portion of your treatment will be covered under your insurance policy.

Will dental insurance cover the cost?

Most of the procedures done by Dr. Williamson are covered by dental insurance plans. Plan coverage varies from insurance company to insurance company, but our front office staff has years of experience working with all of these companies and will make sure we maximize the insurance benefits allowed under your plan.

Are you on my insurance plan?

Our staff will work with you to find out if we are a participant in your insurance plan. Please contact our staff with your insurance information and they will be able to let you know what kind of coverage you would have for any treatment done in our office.

Can I be put to sleep for my treatment?

Yes. Dr. Williamson is trained and licensed in a wide range of sedation options. It is important to us that you are comfortable during your visits in our office. Dr. Williamson will assess your needs and give you sedation options. Unlike most dentists, Dr. Williamson is licensed to do intravenous sedation (IV sedation) which gives him the ultimate control in how relaxed you are during your treatment in our office.

Do you have payment plans for my treatment?

Dr. Williamson does not want financial constraints to be the reason that you do not address your oral health needs. We will do all we can to maximize any insurance coverage to help with the cost of treatment. If further assistance is needed, our staff will go over financing options with you to make sure that you are able to afford the care you need.

How many visits will my treatment take?

Every patient is unique and we treat everyone individually. Some issues can be resolved in one appointment; however, some problems may require a short period of care (2 – 5 visits) followed by a longer period of maintenance care to make sure that your case remains stable. Once Dr. Williamson has a chance to evaluate your case, he will be able to give you a good idea of how many visits your case will require.

Will I need surgery?

Each individual that enters our office is unique. Dr. Williamson will do a thorough evaluation to completely understand your specific case. His philosophy regarding treatment is not to dictate treatment to you, but to educate you as to the nature of your problem, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of treatment options so that you can make a determination of what treatment is appropriate for you.

Can my case be treated by holistic medicine?

Dr. Williamson supports the use of holistic medicine and uses holistic medicines in some aspects of his practice. He will continue to evaluate the benefits of holistic medicine in his practice and incorporate new treatments as evidence proves them beneficial.

When do I see my general dentist?

Seeing your general dentist on a regular basis is very important to your long term dental health. Dr. Williamson will be in contact with your general dentist to discuss your case and determine the best course of treatment.

Don’t see your question here? Please call our office at 512-346-2782. We’re glad to help.